A common mistake when taking photographs of people is to not notice where people’s hands are placed. Guys will almost always close in with their best friend and each will drape their hand on their friend’s shoulder. Women on the other hand move in close and wrap their hands around each other’s waist. On both instances, the hands become a huge distraction in the photo as they are lighter in color than the clothes the people are wearing. Also, these hands aren’t attached to anything, it just looks weird!
Where do you put those pesky things? Ladies can still put their hands around each other’s waist; just don’t go all the way around so you can see the hands. Same for guys, go up to the shoulder, but keep the hands on the back; you really don’t want to see them hanging over the top of the shoulder.
If you have a group of people, always watch where they have their hands. Often in family photos your models will wrap arms around neighbours with hands draped over shoulders, waists, arms. Just ask them to move them back a bit so you can’t see them.
Easy! Distractions gone and it only took a minute to check before you took your photo. Now you have an award winner, not a mess of distractions!
And then there’s my family…….. no hope!